Tecnología y otros placeres
Bienvenido a este pequeño lugar de internet donde recopilo todos los articulos y publicaciones que he ido realizando estos años y algunas cosas nuevas.
Todas las entradas
Mar 20, 2025
This is just the start. We’re also working on a deeper security initiative to strengthen Yeoman for the long haul. If you’re curious or want to contribute, check out the discussion.
Jan 9, 2025
We’re thrilled to announce the relaunch of Yeoman’s maintenance for 2025. The new maintainers team, Ulises Gascon and Josh Goldberg, are stepping in to ensure this beloved project continues to thrive as a stable, reliable tool for developers.
Jan 9, 2025
Explore the transformative journey of Express.js in 2024, marked by governance improvements, the long-awaited release of Express 5.0, and heightened security measures. Look into the ambitious plans for 2025, including performance optimizations, scoped packages, and a bold roadmap for sustained growth in the Node.js ecosystem.
Jan 5, 2025
If you’re new to OpenPathfinder, this post will give you an overview of what we’re all about, including VisionBoard, FortSphere, and our project History. Plus, we’ve included a special demo video below—check it out!
Oct 22, 2024
Celebrating the successful completion of the Express.js security audit conducted by Ada Logics and facilitated by OSTIF.
Oct 18, 2024
Let's explore the world of Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) with step-by-step examples of evaluating if a CVE impacts your project and pragmatic strategies for effective mitigation. This guide will empower you to tackle security vulnerabilities head-on. Don't let CVE warnings go unnoticed — learn how to address them confidently and efficiently.
Oct 15, 2024
Announcing the release of Express version 5
Sep 29, 2024
Security releases for Express, body-parser, send, serve-static, and path-to-regexp have been published. We recommend that all users upgrade as soon as possible.
Oct 27, 2023
In this POC, we will be using a simple configuration file to enable/disable features based on the version of the application. This is a simple example of how to use feature flags and canary releases with Electron.
Sep 18, 2023
Sep 4, 2023
Aug 18, 2023
This repository contains a set of scripts to monitor the integrity of the Node.js binaries hosted in nodejs.org and iojs.org.
Aug 8, 2023
This project is a proof of concept to demonstrate how to optimize media content stored in Azure Blob Storage.
Aug 8, 2023
I contributed to this article for the opensource.guides
Aug 3, 2023
Proof of Concept - how to use custom debian/ubuntu packages with Azure IOT Device Update
Aug 1, 2023
This version of the tutorial is based on the original tutorial by Jesús Corrius, but has been updated to use the .NET 7.0
Aug 1, 2023
This POC is a continuation from the Packaging a .NET Core Service for Ubuntu. In this case, I followed the guide Creating a private Debian package repository by Jesús Corrius
Jul 6, 2023
This project creates a news feed using Node.js. It uses the GitHub API to fetch the relevant information from issues, releases, and then it generates an RSS feed with the latest news.
Jul 3, 2023
Get Your Javascript on Board: Learn how to Dockerize your next IOT project with Johnny-five.
Jun 18, 2023
Proof of concept project aimed at enabling the automatic synchronization of Markdown files with Confluence pages.
Mar 23, 2023
Create a Github Action that monitors the status of Jenkins and generates Markdown reports for your inventory. It also alerts you when the nodes are not functioning properly.
Feb 6, 2023
Secure Your Secrets with Blackbox: A Guide to Using Blackbox in Your GitHub Actions Pipelines
Feb 6, 2023
This proof of concept uses some components from the Digital Twins Definition Language (DTDL) ontology for Smart Cities to build two simple products to illustrate the ontology's capabilities, including extensive testing to validate the model's integrity and evolution over time.
Feb 6, 2023
This project is a proof of concept that will demonstrate the potential of AThis proof of concept uses some components from the Digital Twins Definition Language (DTDL) to build and maintain a simple product.
Jan 24, 2023
This project is a proof of concept that will demonstrate the potential of Azure IOT Hub for onboarding IOT devices to the cloud with minimal disruption to existing business logic by separating communication to the cloud and the device's current business logic. It offers a simple and extensible out-of-the-box architecture with some basic features using the Azure IOT Official SDK for Node.js.
Jan 22, 2023
The OpenSSF Scorecard is a great tool for evaluating the security of your project, and we plan to implement it in Node.js by 2023.
Jan 19, 2023
I created this POC to demonstrate the potential of combining JSON Schemas and Semantic Versioning (Semver) for Internet of Things (IoT) and Event-driven architectures.
Nov 21, 2022
I created this POC to showcase how to visualize the Node.js Machines inventory and perform a cyclical ping to collect network metrics with a full dockerize environment and a fancy dashboard.
Nov 21, 2022
I co-authored the document. This document was created aiming to provide context on what will/will not be considered a vulnerability in Node.js, targeting Security Researchers, as well as serve as a guide for application security operations in support of development teams building on top of the Node.js platform.
Oct 27, 2022
I co-authored the guide. This guides intends to extend the current threat model and provide extensive guidelines on how to secure a Node.js application.
Jul 27, 2020
I created this POC to showcase how to use Docker, K6, Grafana and Node.js to load test API endpoints with fake data and Authentication.
Apr 8, 2020
To be very clear: this header does not protect you from XSS attacks much. It protects against a very particular kind of XSS, and other mitigation measures are far better.
Apr 8, 2020
The Attack is focused on the user input like crafted urls with malicious payload
Apr 8, 2020
Apr 8, 2020
The Referer HTTP header is typically set by web browsers to tell a server where it’s coming from. For example, if you click a link on example.com/index.html that takes you to wikipedia.org, Wikipedia’s servers will see Referer: example.com.
Apr 8, 2020
It's a technical attack that requires a great understanding of JS internals like `__proto__`, `prototype`, deep|shadow copy...
Apr 8, 2020
Adobe Flash and Adobe Acrobat can load content from your domain even from other sites (in other words, cross-domain).
Apr 8, 2020
This attack is very specific to the Nodejs ecosystem and it was discovered in 2019 by Liran Tal.
Apr 8, 2020
By default, old versions of Internet Explorer will allow you to open those HTML files in the context of your site, which means that an untrusted HTML page could start doing bad things in the context of your pages.
Apr 8, 2020
As we are not forcing the HTTPS traffic to be keep using HTTPS. The users can use the HTTP (vanilla) protocol to access our site.
Apr 8, 2020
There are some corner cases that the HTTP Specification doesn't cover like HTTP Parameter Pollution or HTTP.
Apr 8, 2020
If you include Express on your stack, I highly recommend to extend the HTTP Headers definitions using the middleware Helmet
Apr 8, 2020
As an example you can see almost 1 million servers with the X-Powered-By: Express active in Shodan queries
Apr 8, 2020
The X-Frame-Options header tells browsers to prevent your webpage from being put in an iframe. When browsers load iframes, they’ll check the value of the X-Frame-Options header and abort loading if it’s not allowed.
Apr 8, 2020
Web browsers have lots of different features, from vibration to fullscreen to microphone access. While some of these can be useful, you may not wish to use all of them, and you may not want any third-party scripts you include to use them either.
Apr 8, 2020
Expect-CT is an HTTP header that allows sites to opt in to reporting and/or enforcement of Certificate Transparency requirements, which prevents the use of misissued certificates for that site from going unnoticed.
Apr 8, 2020
Apr 8, 2020
This MIME sniffing can be an attack vector. A user could upload an image with the .jpg file extension but its contents are actually HTML.
Apr 8, 2020
Browsers can start these DNS requests before the user even clicks a link or loads a resource from somewhere. This improves performance when the user clicks the link, but has privacy implications for users.
Apr 8, 2020
This attack can be mitigated by using a different and personalized token in each request. In nodejs, the csurf library is highly recommended.
Apr 8, 2020
Most modern browsers support a header called `Content-Security-Policy`, which is effectively a whitelist of things allowed to be on your page. You can whitelist JavaScript, CSS, images, plugins, and much more. Things are opt-in, so you’re saying “this stuff is allowed” instead of “this stuff is not allowed”
Apr 8, 2020
Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) is a browser mechanism which enables controlled access to resources located outside of a given domain
Apr 8, 2020
In Nodejs there was a bug in the Buffer core library that was reported in 2016 and was fixed in Nodejs already
Mar 19, 2020
A backdoor in our code that can perform OS injection is one of the most scary scenarios ever. Currently, npm has more than 1.2M of public packages available. For the last 3 years, our dependencies have become the perfect target for cybercriminals.
Feb 17, 2020
I created this POC to showcase how to do a database migration using Docker, MongoDB, testing...
Feb 6, 2020
A new Node.js security release was published earlier today, 6th of February, 2020 which fixes one Critical severity and two High severity issues. This release also includes stricter HTTP parsing.
Jul 16, 2019
I created this POC to showcase how to use Localstack with Node.js and Terraform
Apr 24, 2017
Pequeña reflexión sobre los retos a los que nos enfrentamos los artesanos que trabajamos en el ecosistema de Node.js y JavaScript a la hora de lidiar con la asincronía.
Feb 26, 2017
¿Por que es tan difícil reclutar developers? y sobretodo… ¿por que no retenemos ese talento en nuestras empresas?.
Oct 25, 2015
¡Usemos Firebase y Arduino para seguir la cotización del Bitcoin en Tiempo real!
Oct 18, 2015
Como hacer un reloj binario decimal usando JavaScript, Arduino, una pantalla LCD y una matriz de leds
Jun 21, 2015
Versión extendida del clasico piedra, papel, tijeras con Arduino y siguiendo los pasos de la serie Big Bang Theory
May 17, 2015
Conectemos EduBasica Shield a Nodejs para aprender electrónica y róbotica de una forma fácil
Mar 22, 2015
Aunque las Google Cardboard son geniales, siempre pense que sería más interesante un modelo alternativo DIY de tela y plástico reciclado
Jan 26, 2015
Hora de sacar el polvo de nuestras raspis y meter un bot en Google Hangouts que nos haga la vida más fácil